Saturday, August 15, 2009


Well, we made it to Methodist down in the Med Center. I ran into the flight crew heading to the ICU (yep -- they flew her by helicopter. Moving her created great pain, I don't think there was a view, no peanuts/soda/in-flightmovie, but the good news -- it was fast) as I searched for the ICU (this place is five buildings) and they said she did great. I haven't seen her yet -- they're getting her set up and assessed and won't let me in just yet -- but I hope they've given her pain meds!! With a new hospital, doctors and systems, everything will get re-assessed and re-assigned, so I imagine the next few hours will be a bit crazy. I'll update as soon as I can. Thank goodnes for internet -- though this is probably more than you all want to know! Anyway -- she made it through her flight well, and I'm envious of what seems to be a MUCH faster way to get to work everyday!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Marie,
    I am so excited that you have arrived at Methodist. Tom said that Northeast treated you very well, but the big hospital is the best place right now. How cool...a helicopter ride...boy, that would make for a great journal entry. Some people will do anything for an exciting story.
    Many prayers and well wishes, Tamara and Mark
